
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New feature: Vintage Reads! 1st up: Baldwin! 'Giovanni's Room'

Hello my dears. As you know we (me) at EllenTenTen  are snugly ensconced in a weird nostalgia/love for all things old. I know why, if you want to lift up that scab and look at the platelets underneath it: the present is complex. It's great, loud, headachy, wishy washy and so REAL. ALL the atoms/facets/possibilities are NOW. The past becomes so much simpler. It's comforting. It presents less options. All the good stuff has floated to the top already. For some reason, if I am feeling 'eh" or even 'meh' one morning, I know that if I put on large 60s dangle hoops, some cutely corresponding clothing, and then crank up my beloved Dirty Dancing record, I will feel like the world is easy for me to deal with/exist in etc.

We love vintage.

Paradoxically, if we're saying the the present presents an overwhelming choice of options, and we scape into simplicity through vintage, the world of vintage clothing presents MORE options-- in a good way. It's so weird but true that at times, looking for clothing, if you are stuck with Kohl's, JCP, TJ Maxx, Nordstrom's, etc., (even Asos!? I don't wanna believe that though) you will be looking a certain way: trends happen. Mystically huge trends, that sweep across a nation so that, for example, in the early aughts one (I) simply COULD NOT, without extreme trying, find a non-low waist pair of pants. So frustrating.
However, once you dip into a thrift shop, all options across time (usually from the 40s up tho) are available!
It's thrilling, what a relief.

In any case, moving on to literature-- I not only love vintage music, clothing, decor, but let's clap our hands as well for literature. It doens't get called vintage though, it's just Literature. I am a HUGE reader and would love to share with you all some books that have really ROCKED MY WORLD. When thinking of "vintage"y books, that I love, the first one that glaringly needed to be shared is one tome by the late great James Baldwin.

"Giovanni's Room" rocked my soul and I'd like it to rock yours as well. For some reason I gravitate toward intense gay love stories. I feel I may have been a gay man in my past life. You know the movie Carol? That's like the female version of "Giovanni's Room."

But let's start at a better place.

James Baldwin is a great first author for this, EllenTenTen's inaugeral book post. For one: the Man Had Style.

I mean, it's undeniable--  the man's style was overflowing. Style is, obviously, an expression of self. As is writing. Baldwin's self specific knowledge and able articulation was such that he steps out of the house like above. I mean, really.

The sexy, young, feelin it vibe:

and this:

Please take it upon yourself to be touched by these photos and, if not read Baldwin, then emulate him: the world needs us all to be deeply ourselves. Everything is else is boring and doesn't even fit well. 

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